Let’s learn myths and facts about health research!

One of the reasons health research is important is to study the effectiveness and safety of a medicine. Some drugs may work in clinical trials but may not work in the field due to factors such as race, ethnicity, age, gender, and more. Even though we know the...

Empoderamiento Latino: Frances Colón

La Dra. Frances Colón es la asesora adjunta de Ciencia y Tecnología del Secretario de Estado. Promueve la integración de la ciencia y la tecnología en los diálogos de política exterior, el compromiso científico global para la creación de capacidades, el avance de las...

Latino Empowerment: Frances Colón

Dr. Frances Colón is the Deputy Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State. She promotes the integration of science and technology into foreign policy dialogues, global scientific engagement for capacity-building, the advancement of women in science, and...