Latino Empowerment: Isabel Allende

Latino Empowerment: Isabel Allende

One of the most prolific Latina writers of our time, Isabel Allende is role model to women around the world. Her mark on the world is unquestionable, from her impressive slate of literature to her incredible work with the Isabel Allende foundation. She was born in...
Empoderamiento Latino: Julián Castro

Empoderamiento Latino: Julián Castro

Quizá conozcas a Julián Castro por sus contribuciones a la administración Obama, o quizá hayas leído su libro de memorias, Un viaje improbable: Mi despertar del sueño americano. De cualquier modo, sabes que es un pionero. Castro ha dejado claro que siente una profunda...
Latino Empowerment: Julián Castro

Latino Empowerment: Julián Castro

You may know Julián Castro for his contributions to the Obama administration, or you might have read his memoir, An Unlikely Journey: Waking up from My American Dream. In either case, you know that he is a trailblazer. Castro has made clear that he feels a deep...
Tobacco use among Latinos

Tobacco use among Latinos

Tobacco has a profound effect on the Latino community, affecting everyone from youth to seniors. In this epdiso, we’re joined by Claudia Rodas, Southern Region Director for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, to explore the challenges and solutions surrounding...