Good Nutrition in Latino Culture

Good Nutrition in Latino Culture

We are diving into a topic that impacts our well-being: Good Nutrition in Latino Culture.  In this episode, in collaboration with the ACL Administration for Community Living, we explore how our traditional dishes shape our identity and how we can enjoy them while...
Mes Nacional de la Educación sobre el Colesterol

Mes Nacional de la Educación sobre el Colesterol

Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de la Educación sobre el Colesterol, un momento para tomar conciencia de la información disponible que nos ayuda a mejorar nuestra salud cardiovascular y para recordarnos el peligro de las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV). En Estados...
National Cholesterol Health Awareness Month

National Cholesterol Health Awareness Month

September is National Cholesterol Health Awareness Month, a time for us to refresh ourselves on the information available to help us improve our cardiovascular health, and to remind ourselves of the danger of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In the United States,...