We all age; it is a natural process for all living beings. In the case of humans, we age differently as a result of our experiences and the quality of life we have had. These life experiences are conditioned by the diversity of the people we are. In such a case, all human beings, without distinction, deserve to age with dignity.
In this blog, we aim to explore the situation of older adults in the LGBTIQ+ community in greater depth. However, there is not enough research conducted about how LGBTIQ+ older adults age and experience aging.
As we celebrate Pride Month, it is important to acknowledge studies conducted on people identifying as gay, lesbian, or transgender. Interestingly, these studies rarely include information about older adults.
Therefore, we highlight the lack of information about this population, which leads to misinformation on the subject and is the main cause of discrimination and denial, and the same misinformation influences the wrong decisions regarding interventions and public policies for the LGBTIQ+ older adult community, which limits the full exercise of their rights and makes them more vulnerable to social inequalities, social and economic insecurity, and situations of stigma and discrimination.
In a society that is gradually changing, this ignorance of diversity hinders the dignified representation of this community. Likewise, for LGBTIQ+ people, especially older adults, these limitations become an obstacle to adequate care and access to health care.
LGBTIQ+ older adults do not enjoy the same rights as other older adults. The forms of discrimination and exclusion are multiplied by the living conditions in which this population finds itself, both as an older adult and as a member of the LGBTIQ+ community. This makes them more vulnerable to a government which is unable to guarantee their rights.
Our diverse life experiences determine the way we age. Different communities also have different needs during aging, and changes must be made so that LGBTIQ+ older adults experience less discrimination, stigma and rampant misinformation.
Given the current landscape of the diverse LGBTIQ+ community, the Colombian organization Help Age International has identified some of the community’s main needs:
- Studies on aging and old age in the LGBTIQ population. Even at the international level, this issue has not been sufficiently studied, and data and population diagnoses are needed at the demographic and local levels.
- Spaces and strategies for psycho-affective care: Meeting places, care centers, emotional crisis hotlines, etc.
- Action plans against abuse and violence against LGBTIQ+ older adults, including the family environment and nursing homes.
- Health services with a differentiated approach; gerontology and geriatrics specialized with an LGBTIQ+ approach.
- Economic security by guaranteeing employment opportunities throughout aging and old age without discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation.
People deserve a dignified aging process regardless of their ethnicity, gender or sexuality. LGBTIQ+ community members deserve a dignified, inclusive and fulfilling aging. These changes are possible, but not before LGBTIQ+ elders are fully recognized as an important part of our society and their active role in the community is made visible.
Las personas LGBTIQ+ también envejecen | Noticias | HelpAge América Latina (helpagela.org)
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