In this article, we will have a discussion about sexuality as an inherent part of the human condition, something that will accompany us over the course of our lives—even as we age. While it is true that it does not manifest itself to the same extent and in the same way in all people, it is important to talk about sexuality in older adults. It is a subject full of misconceptions and prejudices that will be necessary to address as a society in order to normalize and ensure a fulfilling life during aging.
Older age is understood as a stage in life in which sexuality is no longer allowed to be enjoyed, and therefore asexuality automatically comes into play. Society does not associate older adults with having fulfilling sexual lives. This misconception of asexual aging leads older adults to assume this role without questioning it and take it for granted as a normal part of aging.
However, it is necessary to change this perspective and understand sexuality as part of being human. Sexuality forms a part of the concept of identity, which allows a person to express who they are, differentiating themselves from others.
Acknowledging that aging is not the same as the end of sexual life is a challenge in demystifying sexuality in older adults. Being able to enjoy one’s sexuality to the fullest improves one’s quality of life, physical health, mental health and self-esteem, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Many older adults consider sexuality as something positive and as a desire that they still want to express, despite what society dictates and imposes on them.
Normal aging brings with it physical, hormonal and neurological changes that affect sensitivity, circulation and lubrication, among other body functions, for both men and women. These changes sometimes affect the ability to have and enjoy sexual relationships. However, sexuality in general is not reduced to a physiological aspect, but also fulfills functions of communication, tenderness and complicity.
It is necessary to adapt to the changes associated with aging in order to have a pleasant and healthy sex life at any age. Other tips that can contribute to a better sexual life are: adopting healthy habits and a good diet, having good communication with your partner, and talking about concerns, sexual doubts and needs that make you feel more comfortable in the sexual act and with sexuality in general.
La sexualidad en el adulto mayor (psicologia-online.com)
Sexo en la tercera edad: consejos, mitos y verdades | DoctorAkí (doctoraki.com)
La sexualidad en la edad avanzada | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)
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