In recent years, the life expectancy of the older adult has increased and the concept of quality of life has also acquired great importance. It is not only a question of living a long life, but also of having the best physical and mental state. In this sense, the importance of a healthy lifestyle is emphasized, including an adequate diet, regular exercise, according to the physical condition of the individual, the cessation of harmful habits (tobacco, alcohol, self-medication), and especially, keeping the mind occupied in recreational and leisure activities.
The state of nutrition in older adults is related to their aging and to the state of nutrition they have maintained throughout their lives. Taking into account that, during aging, several changes take place, such as the increase or decrease of internal organs, muscular tissues and bone tissues of the organism, as a result of metabolic and nutritional alterations and of their functional capacities; it is essential that there is an optimal nutritional state in old age and to obtain it, an adequate nutrition is necessary.
In order to achieve an adequate diet, it is necessary to include in meals foods low in calories and rich in fiber, proteins, calcium, vitamins and iron. These elements will be of great help to the older adult to combat the changes produced by old age, face their daily life with more energy and in turn prevent all kinds of diseases that may appear as a result of age.
A diet that includes easy-to-prepare, appetite-stimulating, well-presented, easily chewable and digestible food is also recommended. During aging, the organism of the person begins to demand the intake of certain nutrients that are vital for the older adult to have a healthy life. On the other hand, the body will begin to reject certain types of foods that do not contribute to a healthy life in the elderly.
Here are some ideal eating habits for good nutrition in older adults:
- Reduce consumption of saturated fats found in both sausages and red meat and increase fats with essential acids such as omega-3 and omega-6. These acids are present in sardines, salmon and different types of fish.
- Do not overcook vegetables.
- Avoid buying pre cooked and packaged foods.
- Increase the consumption of vegetable fats through olive, coconut, palm or palm kernel oil.
- Increase the consumption of legumes, fruits, cereals and vegetables, as these elements are composed of vitamins, minerals and fibers, which are part of the most important nutrients to avoid constipation and maintain intestinal motility.
- Chew food thoroughly and eat slowly.
- Consume milk and other dairy products only if they are skimmed or semi-skimmed.
- Limit the consumption of sugar and salt.
- Eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D frequently.
- Drink plenty of water in small quantities throughout the day, especially after meals.
- Prepare juices, purees, minced meat or creams, in case of chewing problems.
Following a healthy and balanced diet is not easy, it requires a lot of commitment and establishing a routine for healthy food intake that meets the nutritional requirements for the older adult. Always keep in mind that family and caregivers play an important role in managing and providing good nutrition for the older adult.
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