How to prevent influenza?

How to prevent influenza?

Autumn is here and along with it comes the flu season. This is a timely reminder to increase flu prevention measures and to prepare ourselves to enjoy the coming holidays in good health. Although flu season begins at this time of year, each season has different...
Empoderamiento Latino: Jorge Ramos

Empoderamiento Latino: Jorge Ramos

Jorge Gilberto Ramos Avalos nació en Ciudad de México el 16 de marzo de 1958. Es el mayor de una familia de cinco hermanos. Los estudios se convirtieron en la parte más importante de la carrera de este periodista. En 1981 se graduó como licenciado en Comunicación...
Latino Empowerment: Jorge Ramos

Latino Empowerment: Jorge Ramos

Jorge Gilberto Ramos Avalos was born in Mexico City on March 16, 1958. He is the eldest of five siblings. In 1981 he graduated with a degree in Social Communication from the Universidad Iberoamericana, and later he studied television and journalism at the University...