
Obesity among Latinos

Obesity among Latinos

The Latin American population is increasingly affected by obesity and its negative impacts on health. As obesity rates continue to climb, the...

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¿Cómo prevenir la influenza?

¿Cómo prevenir la influenza?

Llegó otoño y con él, también se hace presente la temporada de gripe. Estas fechas son un recordatorio para aumentar los cuidados de prevención de...

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How to prevent influenza?

How to prevent influenza?

Autumn is here and along with it comes the flu season. This is a timely reminder to increase flu prevention measures and to prepare ourselves to...

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Latino Empowerment: Jorge Ramos

Latino Empowerment: Jorge Ramos

Jorge Gilberto Ramos Avalos was born in Mexico City on March 16, 1958. He is the eldest of five siblings. In 1981 he graduated with a degree in...

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