Healthy habits help us age with dignity

Healthy habits help us age with dignity

According to the definition provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), 60-years-old is the age at which one is considered an older adult. Aging is understood, in a biological sense, as the result of the accumulation of a wide variety of molecular and cellular...
Together let’s fight HIV misinformation

Together let’s fight HIV misinformation

About 3.6 million of the 35.6 million people currently living with HIV are aged 50 or older. Part of the reason is that treatments have been improved and are helping people with the disease live longer, allowing people to get diagnosed and treated earlier. Although...
Cuida de los demás al cuidar de ti mismo

Cuida de los demás al cuidar de ti mismo

¿Conoces la expresión “si no te amas a ti mismo no puedes amar a alguien más”? Bueno, para los cuidadores se aplica exactamente igual ya que si cuidas de tu salud tanto física como mental y/o emocional tienes la certeza de brindar un cuidado excepcional a quienes...